I’ll See Your 10,000, and …

By Jim Hagarty

Wow. My little blog, as of right now, has had 10,099 views. I am not sure what that means or how that figure translates into numbers of people who are having a peek at Lifetime Sentences now and then. The statistics provided by the blog creator are a little bit hard to interpret. Either that or I am as thick as a brick. I might have to break down and spend some money to get more in-depth analysis.

But my eye needs to focus on the job at hand which is creating content. How the content is received is up to Internet users, not me.

Farmers out working a field with their horse-drawn implements, walking behind the big beasts, would sometimes be tempted to look behind them, as they walked, to see how they were doing and admire their fine work. Often, when they did that, the horses would interpret the messages coming through the slackened reins incorrectly and could get all tangled up. The farmer learned to concentrate on where he was going, not where he had been.

So, my horses are hitched up and down the field we walk.

Thanks for tuning in.

Author: Jim Hagarty

I am a 72-year-old retired journalist, busy recovering from a lifelong career as an unretired journalist. This year marks a half century of my scratching out little fables about life. My interests include genealogy, humour and music. I live in a little blue shack in Canada and spend most of my time trying to stay out of trouble. I am not that good at it. I also spent years teaching journalism. Poor state of journalism today: My fault. I have a family I don't deserve, a dog that adores me, and two cars the junk yard refuses to accept. My prized possessions include my old guitar and a razor my Dad gave me when I was 14 and which I still use when I bother to shave. Oh, and my great-great-grandfather's blackthorn stick he brought from Ireland in the 1850s. I have only one opinion but it is a good one: People take too many showers.